A term that has entered people's lives for good, especially young people, in the last decade and has been set to drastically change the way they think about their professional development.
In the last decade the term "entrepreneurship" has entered the lives of people globally, especially young people, who have the resources and ambitions to create something that will have their philosophy and will be able to leave their footprint in any field they operate. From trade to the humanities and from technology to the arts, in recent years young people are emerging who are innovating and trying to evolve humanity based on their ideas and the needs of the time. But as with everything, there are many obstacles, mainly bureaucratic, to enable a young person to develop his ideas and do business, but there are many who go against the flow and are justified by their choice.
Behind the concept of entrepreneur are several pitfalls as the minds of most who listen to this term go to young entrepreneurs, usually under 30, who aim to become millionaires by investing time and money in their respective ideas.
"An entrepreneur is one who has the ability and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit." The definition of entrepreneurship by the Business Dictionary
So far so good, but there are also some unbalanced factors (country, job requirements and conditions, market demand, originality), which are most often not calculated by young entrepreneurs with an appetite for work and creation, with the result that all their dreams fail and they settle for a mediocre job, which earns them just enough to survive.
A very interesting research proves that family plays a very important role in all this. It is this that in most cases decides how resources and values are passed down from generation to generation, and this is what often prevents the implementation of original ideas.
Characteristically, being a young businessman is very charming and is a life experience. An entrepreneur should have a "package" of qualifications and clearly patience to be able to get his business up the road to success.
The term "entrepreneurship" applies to anything pioneering in society. An extremely interesting example is one where they train surgeons for the first time through virtual reality. In a completely different industry the creation of a hi-tech indoor greenhouse and through the application provided by that company, the user can fully control his greenhouse through his phone, so we understand how wide is the range of business as long as there is imagination, passion and a plan.
Elements of people who are considered entrepreneurs are the appetite for work to the fullest, the boundless love for what they do, the deep emotions they receive from successes and failures, their willingness to push their limits and accomplish their idea as best as possible. All of the above means endless sacrifices, countless defeats and many joys, but first you have to be sure because every success requires a decision to try.
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