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Thursday, March 21, 2019

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Interesting and weird things that you didn't know

Weird and interesting but true facts that you don't know

- A human inhales and exhales an average of 50 million times a year.

- Months starting on Sunday always have Friday as 13.

- You were born with 300 bones, when you grow up this number is reduced to 206

- The average pen can draw a 45-kilometer long line, or write 50,000 words

- One-fourth of your bones are in your feet

- The average person spends two weeks of his life waiting at a traffic light

- It takes more calories to eat celery than calories that celery contains

- It is estimated that by 2080 the number of people on Earth will rise to 14 billion

- The largest snowflake ever recorded was about 38 centimeters wide

- The tip of the whip moves so quickly that it can break through a sound wall

- The Indians gave their children the names of what they first saw when they came out. Thus they had the "Who Will Sit" and "The Liquid Water"

- The West African tribe, Mitami, plays its version of football with the skull of a man

- Coca-Cola would be green if not for added artificial colors

- In the 17th century, the Turkish sultan ordered that all his wives (harem) be removed and replaced with new ones

- Coffins used for cremation usually have plastic handles

- Human bone is stronger than concrete

- Rats can live for a few weeks with a severed head

- It's impossible to blush with your eyes open

- In Nebraska (USA), it's illegal to barf in a church

- In 1386, in France, a pig was hanged for the murder of a child

- Earth is the only planet that doesn't have a name of a god

- The oldest chewing gum is older than 9,000 years old

- Scientists were researching butterflies and concluded that some travel up to 5,000 kilometers

- A caterpillar eats 86,000 times more weight than its own in 56 days

- To remove all obligations and stresses associated with the modern world, one should sleep on average 10 hours a day

- To produce one kilogram of honey, the bee must go through two million flowers

- A colony of 500 bats can consume 250,000 insects per hour

- One in five adults believe that aliens are hiding on Earth in human form

- James Fix, a man who popularized jogging, died of a heart attack while running

- The elephant is the only mammal that can not jump

- Like the fingerprint, everyone's language is unique

- The longest recorded hen flight is 13 seconds

- 111,111,111 * 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

- 11% of the population writes left-handed

- Even a broken clock is right twice a day


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